Finding the Will of God can seem challenging when facing difficulties and decisions. The Four C Method can help as we seek direction.

  1. Canon: The Bible (sometimes called the Canon) will always serve as the first and most important factor in finding the God's will. Jesus Christ came as the incarnate (in-the-flesh) Word of God. The Bible tells us to make Him preeminent in all things.
  2. Comforter: The Holy Spirit (here referred to by His name Comforter), convicts and convinces, guides and gifts, directs and discerns. The Holy Spirit will only ever point us to Jesus Christ.
  3. Counsel: Godly Counsel adds life experience, biblical principles, and an outside perspective to our search for God's perfect will. Those who desire God's best for us can provide caring but honest input.
  4. Circumstances: The situation may declare only one option possible. Obviously, God may always change the Circumstances, but due to certain practicalities of life, some options may simply be “off the table.” For instance, time to learn a language or to save a needed amount may be a factor.