This zone represents not only security controls but security concerns for consideration. Not every item on this list requires redress, but many do. If nothing else, this provides a certain awareness for the parent in general and the Christian in specific.
Using Tiktok as an example, I can wholeheartedly recommend removing it. Naturally, each leader of the home must make the decision, but here is my reasoning. While many studies highlight the dopamine high these sudden short-burst videos provide, luring the mind into an “accepting” state; my overall objection is Biblical. For every study one side might provide, some other group will likely have an equal and opposite study (whether genuine or nefarious).
Therefore, I simply say that God does not allow His children to be “out of control.” Whether it is out-of-control with alcohol, drugs, or lust, we are to be disciplined and crucify the flesh daily. If we are losing HOURS each day to mindless, hypnotic, and profitless scrolling on an app like Tiktok, that would fall into that same “out-of-control” definition. You might not agree, but I challenge you to honestly compare and contrast a drunken stupor with three hours on social media.
These are pathways to our soul. They can be open to God or open to the World.
Most external control configured here take the form of parental controls on Internet services, such as Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu or filtering services such as VidAngel. It my recommendation that all homes use a good DNS service such as OpenDNS and CleanBrowsing as a simple BASIC first line of defense.
The following things should, once begun, continue consistently. This will take effort and prayer, however, consider the adult's job to lock the doors daily at bedtime. If a dad is in bed, and ready to fall asleep, but thinks maybe a door is unlocked - he gets up and checks. It's part of the job.
Leave no gaps. If you remove something in the home, you must REPLACE it with something godly or the world CERTAINLY will.