This study on the Acts of the Holy Spirit (not Apostles) comes from my best efforts to be both biblical and historical. While some constantly argue that Acts is a “transitional” book, and in some ways it is, we should not loose sight of the fact that churches were established during this book. And the churches that were established during the course of this book received letters from Paul. They received letters from Peter. They received letters from James and John. And most of all, they called men who were trained to pastor, like Timothy and Titus.
So while the sign-gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as the sudden ability to speak in a known human language for the benefit of spreading the Gospel have ceased, certainly other instruction in Church Polity and evangelism has not ceased.
The Lord's Churches still have the same Plan, Polity, and Promise. We still have the same Orders, Officers, and Ordinances. We still have the same Mission, Methods, and Master!