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The simple answer to the Biblical question is a resounding NO!

The words “predestination”and “elect” both refer to the RESULTS of God’s choice for His children AFTER Salvation, NOT the requirements FOR Salvation. Read the verses in grammatical context. They speak to the effects, not the causes. They detail benefits, not barriers. They talk about loving growth in Christ, not limits to grace in confusion. They deal with the Sanctification, Adoption, and Inheritance - all that God already planned and promised to give “whosoever believeth in Him.”

God is not willing that ANY should perish. Christ died once for ALL.

Proper understanding of this concept invalidates the presuppositional framework of BOTH the Calvinist AND the Arminian. The lessons below are suitable for Preaching or Sunday School. They were originally preached 2021 at Naples Baptist Temple.

All points.

Sunday School Lessons
are_calvinism_and_arminianism_biblical.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/24 06:16 by josephbaxter

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