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A need appeared at the (may we say) “mid-level” for church leadership training. Taking a new family without much church background to the next level of service, attempting to transform an average member into a true pillar of the church. I started with a mindmap of various topics using the software SimpleMind and built out from there.

These outlines are not fully formulated into training materials, but merely represent my first pass of preaching through each of the subjects. From here, training sessions and a more fleshed out program should emerge.

Please Note: My traditional “one-pager” structure derived from my late pastor Leon Gray has transformed into two pages. The second page, which may be printed on the back, includes supporting Scripture. These supporting verses are valuable to the subject, but may distract if turning to each one as a congregation. So, the underlined verses I consider primary to the message, the (parenthesis) verses are printed on the second sheet and can be used for supporting Scripture. This allows the preacher or teacher flexibility in the message or lesson, either read them as printed or ask everyone to find them in their Bibles.

Session Messages
church_leadership_training.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/21 08:13 by josephbaxter

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