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This zone represents not only security controls but security concerns for consideration. Not every item on this list requires redress, but many do. If nothing else, this provides a certain awareness for the parent in general and the Christian in specific.

Using Tiktok as an example, I can wholeheartedly recommend removing it. Naturally, each leader of the home must make the decision, but here is my reasoning. While many studies highlight the dopamine high these sudden short-burst videos provide, luring the mind into an “accepting” state; my overall objection is Biblical. For every study one side might provide, some other group will likely have an equal and opposite study (whether genuine or nefarious).

Therefore, I simply say that God does not allow His children to be “out of control.” Whether it is out-of-control with alcohol, drugs, or lust, we are to be disciplined and crucify the flesh daily. If we are losing HOURS each day to mindless, hypnotic, and profitless scrolling on an app like Tiktok, that would fall into that same “out-of-control” definition. You might not agree, but I challenge you to honestly compare and contrast a drunken stupor with three hours on social media.

These are pathways to our soul. They can be open to God or open to the World.

External Controls

Most external control configured here take the form of parental controls on Internet services, such as Netflix, Amazon, and Hulu or filtering services such as VidAngel. It my recommendation that all homes use a good DNS service such as OpenDNS and CleanBrowsing as a simple BASIC first line of defense.

Streaming Filters

  • VidAngel - A very inexpensive and useful service to filter movies and television. VidAngel removes nudity, sex, immodesty, crude humor, violence, gore, and many other categories. Using the VidAngel website, a minimum standard (or Filter Lock) may be created (the starting place for all movies) but these may be further customized in each case. This minimum standard may be enforced with a PIN code. I recommend locking in the removal of all immodesty and language as a minimum standard. Works with Netflix, Amazon, AppleTV+, and (through Amazon) Showtime, Starz, Paramount+, AMC+, BritBox, and PBS Masterpiece.
  • ClearPlay - ClearPlay used to sell DVD players that could be updated with custom “skip and mute” filters from the Internet. It would basically skip past a bad scene or nudity by jumping the time code forward 1.234 seconds (as an example). Since the popularity of streaming services, they modified their offering to work as a Chrome browser plugin. The computer's screen can then play the filtered content through a Google ChromeCast dongle or via direct HDMI connection. Some shows and movies are not available on VidAngel (due to frivolous Hollywood lawsuits) but are filtered on ClearPlay. It can serve as a good second option, but can be troublesome to setup and use each time.

Entertainment Services

  • Netflix - Netflix offers a preventative parental control via PIN code and rating settings. These controls do NOT provide instant views into what people are watching. If a child has access and the PIN code, they have full access. Netflix DOES maintain a History of all media viewed on their website as a detective control. That said, if you have Netflix, this control should absolutely be set up! Be sure to turn all Auto-Preview off. I recommend removing Netflix from all family devices and then using VidAngel exclusively to view Netflix content.
  • Amazon Video - Amazon Video and Amazon Prime Video do offer some preventative controls, similar in scope to Netflix.
  • Hulu - Hulu (like Netflix and Amazon Video) deploys the standard set of parental controls. Generally, profile based, PIN codes, and rating restrictions. As always, remember, that these companies do not share your standards! Be wary!
  • YouTubeTV - Newer service but quickly gaining ground. Offers live network television, a large number sports channels, and also many content channels of static media. Some parental controls based again on profile, PIN code, and ratings. I have personally never used YouTubeTV.

DNS Services

  • OpenDNS - OpenDNS Home is free and categorically prevents devices from FINDING any server that is on its block list. DNS (Domain Name Services) works a little like a phonebook - you type in the English text name (such as and it looks up the numerical address (such as OpenDNS, if used on your devices, will not return an address for adult content. It is not feature-rich and it isn't very configurable, but it isn't supposed to be. It does ONE job and does it well.
  • CleanBrowsing - CleanBrowsing has a free pricing tier for families to use their DNS filter. They also have a filtering service that enforces this DNS service and adds additional services. They are an excellent company formed by two concerned fathers, however, this is not a fully-featured protection platform. CleanBrowsing is an excellent first layer of defense for schools and churches.

Physical Controls

The following things should, once begun, continue consistently. This will take effort and prayer, however, consider the adult's job to lock the doors daily at bedtime. If a dad is in bed, and ready to fall asleep, but thinks maybe a door is unlocked - he gets up and checks. It's part of the job.

  • Daily Device Collection - Know where every digital device and remote control spends every night. Ideally, create a basket or shelf in the Master Bedroom where they all sit when not in use. Unless the child in an adult, with an adult job, and needs the alarm features of a phone, it should not be in a bedroom. Amazon has many great (and simple) alarm clocks that have easy wake (quiet at first) alarms, with no radio features, and white noise features.
  • Mail / Catalogue Inspection - Be careful about sending a twelve-year-old boy for the mail if you receive lingerie catalogs or similar department store catalogs. While at first it may seem silly, many pornography addictions began in this fashion. If you have catalogs stored somewhere, very seriously consider throwing them in the trash (and make certain they STAY in the trash).
  • Device Boundaries - A teen with a smart phone can be restricted from having the phone while at home (only when they leave). Or restricted from taking it to the bathroom or into a bedroom. Even if games are allowed on devices, consider only allow them at certain times of the day and only if nothing else is going on in the family.
  • Over-Nighters / Grandma's House - It's fun, but grandparents' houses may not be ready for protecting a child. Many children over the years have accessed the Internet without any restrictions from the computer running without a password in Grandma's spare bedroom. Be kind but careful. Your child does NOT have to spend the night. Seriously and PRAYERFULLY consider making a rule that spending the night at friend's house (EVEN A COUSIN) simply will never be allowed.
  • Ring Cameras - While not a pleasant prospect, there are times when an interior camera might be warranted. Ring makes many that can be monitored via a phone app. Since they make an excellent doorbell camera, many people are already have an account or part of their product line.

Gap Filling

Leave no gaps. If you remove something in the home, you must REPLACE it with something godly or the world CERTAINLY will.

  • Family Devotions - There is no set way or time, but it is clear that families should sit down together outside of personal devotions, so that the father (if available) may teach the Word of God. This can be as simple as few verse of Proverbs or Psalms with some discussion time. Let the children talk and ask questions. Let the teens explain what they think and gently correct if necessary (and appropriate at that time). Sing a song or a hymn. And end with at least two praying, or have everyone pray around the room. Use this prayer purposefully - pray about the verses or for a specific missionary or both. This should not replace “bedtime prayers,” except maybe for the very youngest children.
  • Family Exercise - Join a martial arts class or get up and go together to gym. Take a morning jog (or walk). Get all the kids on a good sports team and go to every practice to keep an eye on things. Practice with them at home. Something to get everyone out of the house together.
  • Family Board Games - Many new games are being produced that aren't Clue and Monopoly. They are fun, hard, strategic, or just simple and exciting. Try Catan, Quirkle, Ticket to Ride, Throw Throw Burrito, Carcassonne, and dozens more that are expandable and extremely replayable. Dad, Mom, you play too. The kids won't want to at first, but, you know, make them. You are in charge, after all, but then take off the “parent” face and have fun.
  • Good Books - Use Common Sense Media to review new popular Young Adult novels and books. There are many exciting, adventure-filled books out there that will make the child love to read. Just be careful, simply because it says “young adult” or is sold in an age-ranged section of the store, that only narrows down the books you should deeply inspect! Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew were RESPECTFUL to parents and were often depicted as attending church - these older books are available often at second-hand shops. Start a collection!
  • Jurisdictions - Recommend not calling this effort “chores” simply because that word implies that it only has to be done once a week or once a day. Jurisdiction means that the dining room table, for instance, is your responsibility and should always be clean. Boys should work outside in the yard or do hard physical work with their dads. A tired boy is a good boy. Don't send them out to work, so much, as “take” them out to work. Girls should similar learn from their mother and be included her household tasks.
  • Outings - When mom goes to the grocery store, take one of the children (or all, if necessary). Dad, when you run to the hardware store, take one of the children (or all, if necessary). If possible, divide up those outings so each child can have some alone time with each parent on these little jaunts. Make it fun., A candy bar, a soda, or even something sugar-free probably won't hurt anything (dinner time permitting) and will make the adventure a memory. You might have to make it a command the first time, but if it's fun and a has a little special something the other kids “miss out on,” the next time you'll have VOLUNTEERS.



critical_armor/pathways.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/12 15:21 by josephbaxter

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