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A few lessons/sermons on the subject of Faith Promise. Naturally, no one can match the preaching of Carl Boonstra on the subject, but hopefully these can be a help.

The heartbeat of a church should be missions work. Whether personal evangelism locally or missionaries sent worldwide, it appears that churches without a focus on missions stagnate. After all, God sent His only begotten Son into this world to “seek and to save that which was lost.” In a very real way, Jesus Christ was, Himself, the model missionary and church planter.

Faith Promise Morning Letter
Faith Promise Materials
Faith Promise Lessons

* Please Note: Bro. Boonstra wrote this small book during the 1970s (or perhaps even earlier) while working with the BBFI. This short booklet contains not only an interesting historical perspective of Faith Promise Missions but also some practical advice still applicable today. However, its inclusion on this website does not indicate a recommendation of any missions board.

faith_promise_missions_giving.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/23 10:02 by josephbaxter

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