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The Book of James should bear none of the criticism it seems so many are willing to level against it. In no wise do James and Paul argue about Salvation or the Christian Life! The Bible is a cohesive whole and God means it when He says, “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.” Nor does James promote any form of “legalism,” by which most folks mean “a standard higher than I want to follow.”

James simply challenges Christians with the question: Unto what were we Saved? Are we Saved to sit? Or are we Saved to serve?

These outlines take images of old lessons from Pastor Leon Gray and update them only slightly. Most of the main points remain unchanged, with occasional alliteration or additional Scripture references. He deserves all the credit for the creation of these lessons!

james_-_everyday_faith_in_action.txt · Last modified: 2021/10/18 14:58 by josephbaxter

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